How To Write Wedding Speech (Even When You’re Not A Writer)

Wedding Speech

Weddings are beautiful affairs where you celebrate love and fun! But when you have to give a wedding speech? Whoosh! That can take all the fun out of the whole affair!

Writing a wedding speech is daunting. You want to ensure you capture the essence of the occasion, stay funny, yet try not to freeze up. There’s no doubt that you’ll need an online essay editing service. However, you’ve got to write something first!

Whether you’re the best man, maid of honour, a beloved sibling, or honoured friend, we can help you out. We have provided simple tips that would make writing an excellent wedding speech super easy.

Tips for Writing an Excellent Wedding Speech

Have you been staring at a blank page for a while? Well, it’s time to stop staring at that blank page. Our tips are practical and right from the first one, we guide you in writing the wedding speech. Let’s get right to it!

1. Write Out Things You Love About The Couple

Start by writing out all the things you love about the couple. If you are closer to the bride or groom, you might want to start with that person. Note that this is not exactly the speech yet. So, write as it comes to your mind. Don’t hold back!

After writing all the qualities you love, you want to share funny or interesting stories and experiences you’ve had with them. It could be either the groom or bride or both.

You can even interview other people to get personal stories. It doesn’t have to be only what you had with them. Once you are done with research, you can start mixing up the qualities with the stories. You share an incredible quality or two, you tell a story, and so on.

2. Thank the Guest and Hosts

Other than celebrating the awesomeness of the couple, you also want to thank others that came out to celebrate them. You can extend your thanks to people who couldn’t be present for certain reasons. You should also thank the hosts of the wedding ceremony.

3. Share How You’re Related to the Couple

Don’t assume everyone at the wedding knows you. No one likes a person like that! So, take your time to share how you’re related or friends with the couple. Whether your relationship is platonic friendship or familial relations, it would still interest your audience. It could serve as your first story.

4. Keep It Light! Keep It Funny!

As much as you want to tell how much you love the couple, you don’t want to bore everyone. So, keep your speech as short as possible and ensure you end on a high note. Don’t lose the funny notes too! Pick stories that are fun and won’t embarrass the couple too much. Show that you know them well and wish them well.

5. Don’t Forget the Toast

Your duties don’t end until you tell everyone to raise their wine glasses to taste the new couple. Use the toast already agreed in the program. Though, there is nothing that says you can’t add your flourish to it.

By now, you should have that speech in hand. At least, you should have a good sketch of what it would look like. Professional editors can help you fine-tune it.

While these points would help you know the things to write in your speech, there are still some things that you shouldn’t write. We have highlighted them below.

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Things to Avoid in the Wedding Speech

No matter where you have seen it done. Avoid these things when you are presenting a wedding speech.

  1. Copying a wedding speech template online. It would be obvious and just shows you don’t care about this couple.
  2. Don’t use vulgar language. No swearing or crude language should enter your speech. Exhaust that in the bachelorette or bachelor’s party. Don’t take it to the wedding.
  3. Don’t mention their past boyfriends or girlfriends. While one would think this rule should be easy enough, lots of people still make that mistake. No matter how you mention it, it will be awkward.
  4. Don’t make too much fun of the husband or wife. A bit of gentle ribbing is allowed and even expected. But, don’t say unflattering things. It’s supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. Don’t make it any less.

Once you have edited all these things out of your speech. Then, you might be ready to read again, edit, and show some editors to help you with it.


Writing a wedding speech might truly be a daunting endeavor. But, with the pointers we have provided, you should have such a hard time of it. Remember you are doing it for love. So, put all your heart into it and give the best wedding speech the couple could ever hear!

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